Federal Environmental Assessment Reform Workshop with Arlene Kwasniak

An AWA Workshop to review the evolution and devolution of federal EA law and policy, and discuss law reform themes and opportunities. The objectives of the Workshop are to inform, learn from each other, and prepare participants who will engage in the federal review process.
As a campaign promise, Prime Minister Trudeau pledged to review Canada’s environmental assessment process. To that end the federal government has appointed an Expert Panel to travel through Canada and garner public and stakeholder views on the current federal EA , as well as what changes could occur. The Expert Panel will be in Calgary November 21st-23rd and is open to public participation.
The November 10 Workshop will be led by Arlene Kwasniak, Professor Emerita, Law, University of Calgary, and long-time participant in federal EA processes.

RSVP required at:
or call 403-283-2025

November 10, 2016 at 10:00am - 12pm
AWA Cottage School
455 12 St NW
Calgary, AB T2N 1Y9
Google map and directions
Alberta Wilderness Assocation · · 403-283-2025

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