Building a visionary new environmental assessment law | Workshop in Sudbury

Join this workshop hosted by West Coast Environmental Law, Northwatch and the Sudbury Coalition for a Liveable Sudbury to guide public participation in the federal government's review of environmental assessment processes. Brennain Lloyd will share WCEL staff lawyer Anna Johnston presentations and material to describe the expert review of environmental assessment processes and provide leading-edge solutions to how we make decisions about projects like pipelines, dams and mines.

Share your vision: environmental laws that work for communities, for the environment, for the future. Come out to this workshop to help you prepare for the Expert Panel's visit to Sudbury November 3 4.

For more information visit or email [email protected]

October 24, 2016 at 7:00pm - 9pm
reThink Green - the Green Room
176 Larch St
Suite 305
Sudbury, , ON P3E 1C5
Google map and directions
Outreach EA Review 2016 · · (204) 942 9292
Marvyn Morrison

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Marvyn Morrison

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