Environmental Assessment & Sustainability


A. John Sinclair, Gary Schneider & Lisa Mitchell, "Environmental impact assessment process substitution: experiences of public participants," Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 30:2, 85-93 (2012).

A. John Sinclair & Lisa Quinn, "From Idea to Practice: Sustainable Development Efforts in Manitoba," Dalhousie Law Journal, 35-1 (2012)

Assessing the Smaller Projects: An Essential Step Toward Sustainability (March 2012)

Robert B. Gibson, "In full retreat: the Canadian government's new environmental assessment law undoes decades of progress," Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 30:3, 179-188 (2012).

West Coast Environmental Law Comments on Public Hearing and Confidentiality Procedures, New Prosperity Panel (PDF; September 2012)

Robert B. Gibson, What Would Remain? CEAA 2012 Analysis (working draft) (PDF; May 2012)

Environmental Assessment, Overlap, Duplication, Harmonization, Equivalency, and Substitution: Interpretation, Misinterpretation, and a Path Forward, by Arlene Kwasniak, Journal of Environmental Law and Practice, October, 2009

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